Hello Guys,
Good news for runners who blog or having their own webpage.
Adidas had once again brought in more highly innovative running shoes to be given away FREE to runners to wear-test them & to post in their blog a very frank & unprejudiced opinion about the shoes after 30 days ofusage.
One of the shoe that is included in this program is adiZero Adois that Haile Gebrselassie used at the 2008 Berlin Marathon setting a world record in the Marathon at 2hr 03 mins 58 sec.
The sizes are limited and I have them in size UK 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8.5 & 10.5. Those wishing to possess these shoes will have to comply with the following terms & condition :
1 ) Come to the adidas office to fit the shoes.
2 ) Undertake to post a comment in their blog
a ) about the Technical features of the Shoes upon receiving them
b ) about the performance of the shoes after 30 days of usage.
3 ) Must be a blogger or has his/her own website.
This offer expires on 15th January 2009 & the shoes will be given out on a first-come-first-serve basis. The program this year is only open to those who had NOT participated or missed out in this program previously.
If you are interested pls call to make an appointment as appended below
Office address:
adidas Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Block B , Level 4, Plaza Damansara
45 Media Setia 1
Bukit Damanasara
Kuala Lumpur
Tel Office : 03 - 20804843
Mobile No : 012 - 3503668
E-Mail : krishnan.karuppan @adidas.com
Best Regards
Krishnan Karuppan
Head of Running
adidas Malaysia
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