This Run is organised by SP Wong, Pacers Sports, for CICM. I registered just before the closing date because I am not too sure I have the time to run this race since Taman Bukit Jalil Running Club (TBJRC) will be assisting him for the time keeping at the finishing line and the road "marshall-ing" along the route. Thank all my friends from TBJRC for allowing me to take part in this run while they have to work hard to ensure this event went on safely and smoothly.
Although I have a big share in formulating the route and I knew every parts of the terrain, I have only run along this 10.6 KM route for 2 times. Okay, okay, I means the exact route for this CICM 10KM run. During normal day training, we never run toward Astro and the Seremban Highway because of the heavy traffic and speeding vehicles. In fact, this 10KM route is formed by 2 x 5KM loops, the 1st 5KM loop start from the stadium towards TPM, Seremban Highway, MRR2, and turn back to the stadium. The 2nd 5KM loop start at the stadium traffic light towards IMU, Tmn Explanade, go round Bukit Jalil Golf Club and back to the stadium.
On this Sunday morning, I arrived at the Stadium just after 5.00 am. Most of the Marshall and volunteers had already arrived here and everything seems fine, passed those writing boards to the Time Keeper and I started loitering around. The participants started to arrive around 6.00 am and soon the car parks were crowded with runners mostly wearing the white event T-shirts.
After the warming up session led by Ms Lim, the "Men Open" participants were ushers into the confine starting area and flagged off at around 7.25am . I quickly checked myself into the starting area to ensure that I am not too far away from the start line. The participants for the 5KM categories were flagged off on the other starting area one or two minutes later. Almost immediately, the rest of the 10KM categories were flagged off together, it was 7.32am when I looked at my watch.
I started confidently following the leading pack climbing the first slope, after turned left off the VVIP gate of the stadium, which is quite gentle and short. Few elite runners soon disappeared from my sight while we ran down the ramp at the TPM traffic light joining the Sungei Besi-Bukit Jalil Highway. At this first KM point there were already a few slow Category A runners walking along the route, as we ran toward Astro, the road became more congested with the slower Cat A runners, the faster runners had to run just outside the coned area to avoid being blocked by the slower runners. It was downhill or flat from the 1st KM to the 3rd KM, it was around here that Vincent Wong and Tan Wah Sing pulling away from me and was almost 200m in front.
At the 1st waterstation, around 4KM point, I decide to take a drink because my throat was very uncomfortable due to the cough. I have to squeeze through the crowd to get a cup of water. Feeling much better after the drink, I continue to run maintaining around 4.5 min/KM pace. This route lead us back to the stadium while I had to conquer the next gentle climb at the 5KM point around the LRT station.
While I turned in to IMU after the stadium traffic light and ran towards Taman Esplanade, I had lost my target (Tan Wah Sing). I grep another cup of water at around 6.5KM and drank to ease my uncomfortable feeling of my throat. This is the first time in a 10KM race that I took a drink at two water stations. Overtook a few kids with their parent (I guess), the 5KM categories participants, on the final climb along the Sungei Besi-Bukit Jalil Highway.
Once ran pass the VVIP gate, I sped towards the finishing line but decided to slow down around 10 to 20 meters knowing that there will be photographer waiting at the finishing line to take a photo for the certificate. Happy to finish a few seconds past 47 minutes.