At our Moon Cakes Festival gathering in Taman Bukit Jalil on Thursday, 11th September 2008, I was so surprise that Ronny told me that they would be sending 9 teams to the RELAY. What 9 Relay Teams from Taman Bukit Jalil? How can it be possible! What a pity John Chow was not available for the run, otherwise we would have a very strong “OPEN” team in John, Liew and Lee Sze Wei. Picture below shows are the team members from Taman Bukit Jalil, they are out for a pinic in the park or taking part in a “Road Relay Race", your guess is as good as mine!
The Taman Bukit Jalil Relay Teams – Photo by PM Tey

On the race day, since Naido had committed to go there early, Tee came and picked me up at 6 am. sharp although the relay would be starting only at 7.30 am. We were at Taman Metropolitan Batu around 6.30 am. Where there were very few people in the park. A few kids with their overly expensive (at least one Cannondale, not the one-side fork design) mountain bikes roaming in the park, these bikes should be out in the wilderness to justify their existence. I suddenly realized that I have spent so much time running and have not ride for a long time, my last ride was few months back in the “Ipoh Fellowship Ride”. Mountain biking is definitely becoming a popular sport in Malaysia. Picture below shows a very unique Cannondale F1 with a one-sided fork holding the wheel, I had seen this design in KSH and the “Ipoh Fellowship Ride 08” if I remembered correctly.

At around 7.10 am, we walked to the start line which is actually outside the Metropolitan Park. Runners were busy collecting their bibs and pinned those bibs to their vest. Runners took the opportunity to warm up running around near the start line while some of us trying to look for some bushes so that we could answer the nature calls.
The relay started slightly late at around 7.50 am, since I would be the last runner in my team, I continued to do some warm up. After about 12 minutes, most 2nd and 3rd runners crowded at the transition area knowing that the 1st runner would be coming back anytime. The 1st runner coming back was a young runner from Negri Sembilan followed very closely by our elite Senior Veteran, Thurei in 13 plus minutes.
Tee took over the baton from Thurei and move on, photo by PM Tey.

When I received the baton from Tee, I sprinted off immediate trying to catch up with the young runner about 20 to 30 meters I front of me. Although there were 53 teams in this competition, I noticed that the trail was very empty along the way. Overtook 1 lady runner at around 1 KM, I saw May just 30 to 40 meters in front of me. After overtaking May, the young runner in front of me increase the pace and our gap started to increase. I tried and to slow down and along the way overtaking a few more slower runners. Approaching the 3 KM point after overtaking Datin and a litter boy, I saw Naresh being overtaken by the young guy in front of me. I have never seen Naresh running so slow before!
Finally, I was at finishing line, photo taken in PM Tey’s album.

The Prize Presentation took a long time because it was time consuming to presnt all the medals to more than 150 runners.